Saturday, December 20, 2008

Farmers Market Sunday: Careful What You Wish For

After three weeks of doing Farmers Market on Thursdays, the Sunday Farmers Market manager asked me if I'd like to do Sundays. The coveted Sunday, the day my family and every other family in Marin county shops at the farmers market - they have jumpies of all sizes, pony rides, kettlecorn smoke and live music fill the air, the aisles so densely populated, you have to fight your way through. It's the big leagues. I would be stupid not to accept. Grinning inside and resisting the urge to jump up "YES!", I told him I'd think about it.

I originally only wanted to do Sunday Farmers Market when I applied, but they rejected me saying there were no openings. The true story was that another cupcake company had applied and gotten accepted before me. Three months later the farmers market still hadn't heard back from them.

After an evening of sporadic discussion with Alec, while he played with Laura during dinnertime, we both concluded that Sundays would be ideal for business and practical for our schedules. We now have built in daycare(Alec) for Laura. We'd still have Laura in daycare during the week, so I can work in the kitchen. Alec doesn't lose time from his job to help me set up and break down. Unfortunately, it means family time is stunted but at least Alec and Laura can come visit me during the FM. (And perhaps, I can put Laura to work, giving out samples. - not that there's a problem with people taking samples, but wouldn't it be cute?)

My last FM Thursday will be next week Christmas eve. I'll start doing Sundays the first Sunday of 2009. What a way for Little Piggy Cupcakes to start the new year.

I have yet to get a pre-order. It's the bulk orders that will sustain and grow my business. There's no doubt I've made a superb product. All my customers at the farmers market love the cupcakes. Even those who scoff at the price, still think they're delicious.

The next phase for Little Piggy is to show customers that cupcakes are not just a whim purchase, a moment of pleasure to be eaten on the spot, the end. Little Piggy can be taken home as a litter to share with family and friends for a special occasion. Why settle for shortening-based supermarket cupcakes or waste your time baking your own, when you can have these little princesses?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Farmers Market Warmly Welcomes Cupcakes

The Farmers Market opens at 8am. We got there at 8:10am. I thought, a late start is not good for a first day. My ever supportive Aunt Kathy stayed up with me until 4am that morning decorating - spreading frosting, adding sprinkles to 600 cupcakes. Both of us had gotten an hour or two of sleep. Surprisingly I wasn't too tired - I think I was running on on a mixture of nervousness, excitement, and let's just get this over with.

It was a chilly morning. Cold weather equated to a slow day at the FM. By the time the whole gang of us - my aunt, Alec, even Laura, and I arrived, some vendors were still setting up, so I wasn't too late. Even before we got our tent and table up, a lady was eying my boxes and discovered I was selling cupcakes. She turned out to be another vendor and asking if she could buy one. I thought, this is a good omen. (I realized that after starting a business I've become more superstitious, looking for signs of good fortune.)

It took us an hour before we were settled in - cupcakes displayed in their domed trays resting on a table lined with cupcake print fabric, samples cut up, take-out boxes folded, cashbox ready to receive money, my aunt and I wearing our Little Piggy Cupcakes white aprons.

There was a steady stream of interested customers - eating samples, surveying the array of cupcakes, buying cupcakes for themselves to eat on the spot and take home. Everyone asked how long we had been at the Farmers Market and where we were located - "this is our first day" and "we're located right here at the Farmers Market". Kids were drawn to the cupcakes, pointed, and called out "Cupcakes!". Women smiled and clasped their hands in giddiness - immediately debating which one and how many.

The FM gave me what I yearned for - the personal connection, seeing child-like delight and happiness that my cupcakes gave to people. For some reason, up to this point, I didn't really believe people loved my cupcakes. But now I'm a witness to total strangers, tasting them and paying good money for them. They would say "yummy!", "OH MY GOD!", or "oooh, that's good.".

The minis were the highlight. "adorable", "cute", "beautiful" they would say. Women bought multiple minis so they can have a variety and also to share with their friends. Mommies bought minis for their kids and themselves. Men were almost insulted when asked if they wanted a mini or regular size cupcake "Regular" (of course.)

We started with 29 boxes of cupcakes and left with 16 boxes. I had made double the number of cupcakes than were needed. Better enough than not enough. We made enough money to cover the cost of making cupcakes, pay for Laura's day of daycare, and had some money left over. Admittedly, the leftover wasn't much. My vendor neighbor selling jewelry summed it up positively - "Considering the slow economy, you had a nice crowd around your table. That's pretty good". And darn good for a first day.